16 Minutes Later

This compilation of sixty-five stories and articles can be read to children, incorporated into family worship and school devotions, or read for personal inspiration. A number of essays offer plain-spoken teaching on moral purity and should be read with discretion. 219 pages. Paperback.

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As the Small Rain Upon the Tender Herb

A scrapbook of Michael Decker’s life. inspirations, essays, and stories. 118 pages

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Bearing Witness: Stories of Martyrdom…

What does it cost to follow Jesus? For many Christians throughout the ages, the answer has been everything. From the stoning of Stephen to Nigerian Christians persecuted by Boko Haram today, these stories from around the world and through the … Read More

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Boyhood and Beyond

With practical understanding, the author addresses essential issues related to developing godly character as boys transition into manhood. Wisdom and common sense are gleaned from short chapters covering topics such as authority, inventiveness, and honesty as well as overcoming fear, laziness, and temptation. Easy reading for teenagers. 219 pages.

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Choices, Changes, and Challenges

Stephanie Kauffman’s fourth installment in her series of memoirs continues telling about her true-life adventures as a single school teacher working in various small Christian schools around the world. Set in the 1990s, the story takes readers to various locales in Canada, the United States, Belize, Haiti, and New Zealand. Each new destination presents its share of challenges and anxieties, all of which serve to fortify Stacy’s faith and draw her closer to God. 209 pages; paperback.

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Comfort for Troubled Christians

This little book helps us learn to be joyous and victorious in the midst of trial, poverty, betrayal, and heartache. It applies many comforting scriptures as salve to our wounds, and teaches contentment and trust in God. 72 pages; paperback; Moody Publishers.

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Created for Work

In this second book, Bob applies his engaging, homespun wisdom and stories from real life to teach boys and young men what it means to be good workers. Topics covered include confidence, keeping one’s word, finishing what you have started, … Read More

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Decisions, Departures, and Destinations

Stephanie Kauffman’s fifth installment of the series tracing the true-life travels and adventures of Stacy Kanner, brings the school teacher to the Cotswold District in England, where she serves in the kitchen, classroom, and office of a Christian school. God … Read More

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Dewdrops in the Garden

From the heart of an avid gardener, a unique women’s devotional book that is inspirational in every season. Includes a generous sprinkling of gardening and flower-growing tips.

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Discovering My Place

Most new brides crave a vibrant marriage that remains unruffled despite the storms of life, but some will find themselves on a path of disappointment. The author set out to find the answers to lasting love, and as she studied, talked, and prayed, she discovered a place where surrender leads to grace, and grace leads to joy. A devotional book for women.

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