The Enduring Church – French
This history of the church is readable and comprehensive. It tells the story of the people who truly have sought to follow Christ and His teachings from the days of the early church to our time. The four sections chronicle the story of apostasy and the rise of state churches, persecution of true Christians through the ages, migration from Europe to North America, and the formation of our church as we know it today. French version. 234 pages; paperback.

Love and Nonresistance
John Coblentz. A biblical study of the doctrine of nonresistance. This book is divided into three parts: “Old Testament Foundations,” “New Testament Principles,” and “Practical Aspects.” The last section, “Practical Aspects,” is thought-provoking and applies the doctrine of nonresistance to everyday life. A foundational teaching of … Read More

150th Anniversary Commemoration Service
This booklet contains a transcript of the speakers’ comments at the special commemoration service held prior to the 2009 Annual Meeting. Valuable from both a historical and inspirational perspective, this booklet will be of interest to many. 32 pages; paper; … Read More