American Haven
In this sequel to Swiss Holiday, Michael and Merry travel to America with their Uncle Tony during World War II. London is being bombarded, and their parents want them to take shelter across the Atlantic. They have many adventures with … Read More

What’s in the Midwest?
Robin Johnson. This is a very interesting and informative book about the Midwest region of the United States. Children can learn about the twelve states that make up this region and their natural resources, history, cities, people, activities and industry. … Read More

Katy’s New Horizons
Alice Warkentin. Twelve-year-old Katy grows up in the years after World War II. Her new horizons begin with a move to a new farm in a distant locality. While most of her life is ordinary, circumstances arrive that demand all … Read More

Chocolate By Hershey
By Betty Burford. Milton Hershey loved candy. As a boy in the 1860s, he saved his hard-earned pennies for the candy store. When Milton was thirteen, he went off to learn candy making. He discovered that he had a gift … Read More

Life in a Global Village
Gary Miller. Our perspective of wealth and what we need to live is affected by the people around us. What if the world population were shrunk to a village of 100 people, and you lived in that village? How would … Read More