Mennonites in Crisis

This book is a historical novel based on experiences of Mennonite families during the Revolutionary War. The people and happenings are historically correct, but conversation and lifestyle description has been added to make the story flow. The newly-formed Continental Congress had little mercy for those who did not support the fighting. The Mennonites wondered “Who is the Ceasar we are to respect in this situation?” Copies of historical documents included. 143 pages; paperback

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Storm Song

As World War II rages on, 1943 is a difficult year for the Yoder family. How should Elam, a conscientious objector, act when he boards a train full of sneering soldiers? Why does Father end up in prison? Thankfully, all things are in God’s power. Book seven in the Amish Frontier Series.

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Three for the Cross

Martyrs for the true faith are common people like you and me, people who faced fear and perplexing situations but found grace to follow the way of the cross. And in the cross they found true freedom of soul and spirit. In this book, meet Jacob, Anneken, Andries, Jan and Peter. Also, Adriana, Mariken, Hendrick and many others. Some took up the cross and found peace. Some turned away. 162 pages; paperback.

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Loyalty Test

Christian watched uneasily as anti-British attitudes bubbled up in the American colonies. As rebellion progressed to outright war, Christian stood by as the new colonial army confiscated his wheat and cattle. But what would be the consequences of refusing to obey the new law requiring citizens to swear loyalty to the state? Based on historical characters, Loyalty Test describes the trials of a peaceful people in distressing times. A sequel to Hidden Riches. Paperback, 190 pages.

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Called to Be a Soldier

This book tells the experiences of conscientious objectors in Canada during World War II. It details their lives in the camps where they performed alternative service instead of joining the army. Most of the boys were from Ontario, and they first served at the Montreal River Camp, clearing land for the Trans-Canada Highway. Later some were transferred to forestry camps in British Columbia to fight forest fires and plant trees. Copies of letters to and from government officials are included, as well as some letters from church leaders. Although the practices of the different faiths vary from what we practice, this book gives a good picture of what CO camp life was like. 519 pages; paperback; Vineyard Publications.

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Mystery of Christ in the Revelation

A thorough examination of the Book of Revelation that uses the scriptures to interpret the book. This is a lengthy work, but it attempts to explain the meaning of the symbols and the important lessons that are to be found … Read More

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