Life in a Global Village
Gary Miller. Our perspective of wealth and what we need to live is affected by the people around us. What if the world population were shrunk to a village of 100 people, and you lived in that village? How would … Read More

Wonders in the Sea
Part of the “Nature Discoveries with Uncle Mike” series, this book of colorful photos and clear text will introduce school age children to some amazing creatures of the sea. How strange some look! How do they get their food? Young children will enjoy this book. 44 pages; hardcover; TGS International.

Flicka, Ricka, Dicka Bake a Cake
Maj Lindman. One day the girls went into the woods to pick wild strawberries. Learn to know the new friends they found after they discovered they were lost. Paper; Albert Whitman & Company.

Flicka, Ricka, Dicka and the Three Kittens
Maj Lindman. Mitzi is lost! What will Aunt Helga say? Then they find the lost cat and three beautiful kittens. Hardcover; Albert Whitman & Company.

Mystery Behind the Wall
Gertrude Chandler Warner. Summer vacation has begun and Benny thinks it will be boring. He decides to ask his friend Rory to spend a summer with him. They unfold a complex mystery dating back many years. Paper; Whitman.

Mystery Ranch
Gertrude Chandler Warner. This book is from the Boxcar Children series. Great-aunt Jane needs help on her ranch. The Alden children go west to live with her on the ranch. Uranium is found on the ranch, bringing many problems and … Read More

Ben Carson
Janet and Geoff Benge. Young Ben Carson had a tough start in life. His mother’s motto was to always do your best, and she taught Ben and his brother that reading books was the way to learn. Through some difficult … Read More

The Sign of the Beaver
Elizabeth George Speare. Until the day his father returns to their cabin in the Maine wilderness, twelve-year-old Matt must try to survive on his own. Although Matt is brave, he is not prepared for an attack by swarming bees, and … Read More

Amos Fortune Free Man
Elizabeth Yates. Amos Fortune was born the son of a king in At-mun-shi tribe in Africa. When Amos was fifteen years old, he was captured by slave traders and brought to Massachusetts, where he was sold at an auction. Although … Read More