Especially for students ages 11-14, Grades 6-8. Dictionary re-spellings are close to what CLE teaches. Nearly 70,000 entries and more than 1,000 carefully drawn illustrations.
Carol Ryrie Brink. The life of an adventurous girl growing up on the frontier. Based on true events. Proofreaders’ note: There are some bywords in this story. Treat as per your policy.
Elizabeth George Speare. Until the day his father returns to their cabin in the Maine wilderness, twelve-year-old Matt must try to survive on his own. Although Matt is brave, he is not prepared for an attack by swarming bees, and … Read More
John Reynolds Gardiner. Little Willy lives with his grandfather in Wyoming. When Grandfather falls ill, he is no longer able to work and is in danger of losing the farm. Little Willy is determined to win the National Dogsled Race—the … Read More