The Wolf King

High in the Rocky Mountains of Alberta, a lively black wolf pup was born. Early in life he had close encounters with man but miraculously escaped. He grew into a mighty 200 pound leader of a pack, and he came to be called the king. His cunning and power seemed almost limitless! Young people will enjoy this thrilling tale of the wilderness and the wild animals and hardy men that inhabit it. 246 pages; paperback; AB Publishing.

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Treasures for Tomás

Edith J. Agnew. What is in the locked boxes? Tomás Aragón and his friend, Dan Rico, puzzle over the mysterious boxes that came along with their pile of useful junk, bought at an auction for 52 cents. And there are … Read More

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The White Feather

Indians were on the warpath. Friends and neighbors were moving away to escape danger. Only Abe and Sarie’s family stayed. Father always had his own way of looking at things. He believed that friendliness and fair treatment would be respected … Read More

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Abraham Lincoln

Sam Wellman. Read about Abe Lincoln from his younger years to his later life. He was the man for his time and a man for all times. Illustrated. Paper; Barbour

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He Will Carry the Lambs

Rosalie Penner. A devotional book for new and young Christians to begin their study of the Bible. Suitable for all ages, including family devotions. Take your Bible and enjoy searching out the gems in God’s Word. 86 pages; paperback; Beaver … Read More

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Manners Please

A book on manners for young children. Covers a variety of topics including putting things away, sharing with others, and being polite to older people. One of eight books in the “A Treasury of Stories” set. Simple illustrations; 60 pages; … Read More

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American Haven

In this sequel to Swiss Holiday, Michael and Merry travel to America with their Uncle Tony during World War II. London is being bombarded, and their parents want them to take shelter across the Atlantic. They have many adventures with … Read More

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Stand By, Boys

K. Norel; translated by Mirian Schoolland. This is a true story–a story of things that happened when the waves of the North Sea broke through the dikes and flooded much of the Netherlands in 1953. Paper; Bible Truth Publ.

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Always Face a Panther

Compiled by Ruth K. Hobbs. This is a book of short stories with a moral, many of them are from the early days of America. Most of these stories are suitable for school devotions as well as reading aloud at … Read More

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By the Fields of Fish Creek

In this sequel to “You’re Too Small, Little Eli,” this book tells about the Yoder family’s move to eastern Kansas and the years they lived there. Eli milks Hipbones every day and helps Dad rake hay. But there is also time to explore Fish Creek and to dream. When his parents feel they should move East, what will happen to those dreams of being a cowboy farmer on the prairie? 295 pages; paperback; Christian Light Publications.

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