Walking the Lord’s Highway
Eighteen lessons for intermediates designed to help the students understand that Christian life is a highway through this world. The lessons cover topics such as accepting yourself, respecting others, working willingly, fleeing youthful lusts, being committed, recognizing pride, faith, the … Read More
Omkastoe, Blackfeet Twin Captures an Elkdog
Three hundred years ago, the Blackfeet people knew nothing of horses, or “elkdogs” as they would later call them. They hunted buffalo on foot, which was difficult and dangerous. The people and their dogs carried heavy loads as they traveled from place to place. Read this book to learn about that time, and get a glimpse of the wonder as they see their first elkdogs! 215 pages; hardcover; Grandview Publishing.
Michael Faraday, Father of Electronics
Charles Ludwig. Michael Faraday only attended school a year or two in his entire life. Faraday never learned to spell or punctuate, but he was the father of the electric motor, the transformer, and the generator. He discovered benzene, improved … Read More