Chipmunk Willie

Forest Friends Series #3. Chipmunk Willie’s life is full of adventure from the moment he awakes from hibernation. He scampers to the top of stumps and down little hills, searching for food and curious about what is around the next obstacle. But he must be careful – danger could be lurking behind the next bush! Children will enjoy this book with its many full color illustrations. 56 pages; hardcover; Northstar Books.

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Clouds of War

The early morning quiet of the Ephrata Cloister was interrupted by soldiers seeking paper. Paper? Yes, paper to use as gun wadding! General Washington needs it. Oh, the paradox – 500 copies of unbound Martyrs Mirror, the great book about peace and suffering for Christ, hauled away to be used in carnal warfare! This book makes the story come alive for children. 53 pages; paperback.

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Escape North

This story for 2nd and 3rd graders tells of Harriet Tubman’s life as a young slave and about how she escaped north to freedom. It tells of how she helped rescue other people from slavery in brave trips to the South, and explains the Underground Railroad to children. 48 pages; paperback.

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Flowers for Grandma and Other Stories

A collection of stories for small children based on true happenings. The stories teach obedience, prayer, kindness, and good character. 112 pages; paperback.

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Forever with the Lord

What would it be like to be an Anabaptist? Ursula is full of questions. Yet she sees the joy that is evident in the lives of her sister and her sister’s husband. How can she know what is right? In this interesting work of historical fiction, we get a glimpse into the story of Michael Sattler and the Anabaptists of his time. 172 pages; paperback; TGS International.

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Good-Bye Kansas, Hello Louisiana

This is an account of long ago, way back in 1949. Mary was one of nine children in a happy family living in Kansas. But Daddy was sick. He couldn’t handle the cold winters. “You must move south!” the doctor … Read More

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Hand in Hand

Martha is Hellen Keller’s constant companion- the one who communicates with her the best. But it’s not easy keeping Helen out of trouble. Her parents let her do as she pleases, and Martha finds herself sometimes bullied, sometimes a partner in mischief, sometimes a rescuer…. And always a servant. Can two such girls ever really be friends? What will happen when the new teacher, Anne comes? Paperback, 124 pages.

Proofreader’s note: There is one instance of inappropriate language on page 4.

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How Is My Book Made?

Have you ever wondered how your books are made? This book explains the whole process – the work of the author, the editors, and the reviewers. It also describes the machines that print and bind the new book, the secretaries who take orders, and the shipping department. Ages 6-12; 71 pages; paper.

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Humpy the Moose

Forest Friends Series #1. Little Humpy the Moose comes into the world as a long-legged baby who needs to be hidden from enemies. But each day he learns more and grows fast. At about one year old he must make … Read More

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Jube, the Story of a Trapper’s Dog

Felix was the most experienced wolf trapper around, but Old Rip was a huge, mean wolf that always outwitted his attempts to trap her. But things changed with the coming of a gray pup who became a great wolf dog. Read this story full of their adventures together out on the range, the fight with a bull, and the great battle when the big wolf and the big dog finally met. 187 pages; paperback

Proofreader’s note: There is inappropriate language on pp. 141 and 157.

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