Distant Shores
As a young Amish man in 1969, Ivan Weaver left for Alaska to become a hunting guide with the world-famous Pinnell & Talifson outfitters. For 2 1/2 years he lived “the Dream” in the wilds, guiding men as they hunted huge Kodiak brown bears. This book details many fine adventures of that life. But Ivan began to be troubled. “What is the meaning of life?” “Do I have a foundation?” he wondered. He finally decided he must return to his roots and his church. 243 pages; paper; Weaver.

As the Mountain Moved
Hedwig Andrae. Set in Switzerland in 1806, this story tells how a Christian fisherman shares the gospel with some youth from the community. Several accept salvation. Suddenly one day the mountainside thunders into the valley, covering several villages and killing … Read More