Heaven-Sent Miracles and Rescues
In Heaven-Sent Miracles and Rescues, Andrea shares tales of amazing and supernatural occurrences she’s seen from the frontline. From breathtaking water recoveries, to heroic battles against housefires, to astonishing interventions against medical crises, Andrea’s accounts of emergency rescues will have you reading with interest while reassuring you of God’s awe-inspiring power over every circumstance. Paperback, 223 pages.
Help! I Want to Change
“Why can’t I change?” Have you ever asked this? Maybe you want more discipline in your eating habits, or you struggle with uncontrolled anger outbursts. Perhaps sinful addictions have a strong hold upon you or a loved one. This book explains how it is the power of Christ, not our own willpower, that is the key to lasting change. This book is small enough and inexpensive enough to hand out freely to others. 60 pages; paperback.
Holman KJV Compact Bible, Brown Leathersoft 6826
Words of Christ in red, 6-point type, ribbon marker, topical subheadings, sewn binding. Full-color maps, limited cocordance and Bible dictionary as well as a “where to turn” section. Page size is 6 5/16 by 4 1/8; thickness is 7/8 in. Brown leathertouch with embossed cross on cover.
Hope for a Mother’s Heart
Gently rock your little one as you read the stories in this book. You might cry with the author, and you might laugh as well. You will find that, in this journey of motherhood, you are never alone. This book is full of hope, helping you see that God will provide the courage and strength to carry you through the joys and struggles of mothering. Hardcover; 144 pages.
How Could a Loving God…?
“Is God indifferent to my suffering?” “Why didn’t God prevent this from happening?” Sometimes just hearing “It is God’s will” isn’t enough. What can penetrate our despair and help us understand how a loving God looks on while death and suffering plague the world? In this heartfelt book, the author points us to the answers found in the Word of God, helping our hearts go beyond mere acceptance. When you grasp the reality of original sin, a foundation is laid to understand all that follows. 198 pages; paperback.
Leaning Toward the Light
In this devotional book for women, the author shares experiences from her life and the lives of others. The topics are varied, with a focus on seeking God and fellowship with Christian friends as a way of finding joy in difficult places. Ninety-nine devotionals; each notes a related scripture to read. 207 pages; paperback.
Living in Sonshine
Here is a book about the joys and noise of mothering boys! A compilation of 120 items, it is full of inspiring essays, practical tips, poems, humorous stories, and more. Some items are written from the perspective of mothers, some from sisters growing up in a house full of brothers. If you are raising boys this book is for you! 272 pages; paperback.