Whispers of Hope
30 songs, from Janarro or Tanya, except one from Loretta Smith. Songs have not been in other books.

Best of Southern Gospel, hardcover
570 songs. The youth of the 1960s and 1970s may easily recall lively evenings singing the songs found in this book. Hardcover.

Songs for Worship and Praise
A blend of hymns from Songs of Faith and Praise and praise songs found in the Praise Hymnal with a few additional selections not usually found in other hymnals. 1007 songs; hardcover; Taylor Publications.

Lead Kindly Light
A collection of 65 favorite songs an old classics selected by Michela Toews. This book is intended for special singing such as Wednesday evenings and for singing in nursing homes. Songs include “Beyond the Sunset,” “In the Garden,” “It’s Bound … Read More

Anchored in Love
39 songs written by Valerie Boese and Dorothy Good as well as several other selections; paper.