Triumph Song

Thirty-two songs compiled by Todd Benner. Composers include Todd Benner, Kyle Barkman, Linda Unruh and Roger Swarey. Paperback.

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Christian Endeavor Songs No. 2

337 songs; hardcover; PrairieView Press.

$21.50 Add to cart
Echoes of Christmas No. 1

89 English and five German songs.

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Cast Thy Bread Book 3

This collection of songs includes many songs which were no longer in print in other books. This venture is the result of a desire to print songs to replace photocopied sheet music. Contains many good gospel songs, some hard to … Read More

$16.95 Add to cart
All for Jesus

Forty-three songs, nearly all composed by Valerie Boese. Paperback.

$13.50 Add to cart
Strength and Song Book 5

Strength and Song 5 is another collection of songs by Geraldine Koehn. Most of the songs in this book are Geraldine’s. Paperback with coil binding; 99 songs.

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Lights of Home

Merilee Reimer and Paula Barkman. This book is a collection of 103 songs. 160 pages; paper; Reimer and Barkman.

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Echoes of Christmas No. 2

135 songs. Paper; Prairieview Press.

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Come to the Manger

A collection of Christmas carols compiled by PrairieView Press. In this book you will find some songs that are hundreds of years old, some translated traditional carols from other lands, some well-known favorites, and some recently composed carols. None of … Read More

$19.25 Add to cart