In the Whale’s Belly

James Lowry. Stories retold from the Martyrs Mirror of believers who were imprisoned and suffered for their faith. Accompanying the text are illustrations from books of that age. 130 pages; paper; Christian Light Publications.

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Light from Heaven

Joseph Armstrong’s father showed little concern for his wife and children. Work came first. Praise was a foreign language. All the while, he portrayed himself as flawlessly pious to those outside the family, making his home a potential hotbed for bitterness. But a devout mother bridged the gap – loving, teaching, and praying for her children. Her prayers were heard; Joseph’s heavenly Father helped him rise above his circumstances to a life of purpose. 537 pages; paperback.

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Live to Give

This booklet outlines what it means to live simply, and shows how this can free up resources to give to the church and others. 31 pages, paperback.

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Living a Pure Life

John Coblentz. In this book you will find the principles and guidance of God’s Word regarding moral purity. It faces honestly what happens when moral sins are committed and lays out the requirements for dealing with sexual sin. Identifying and … Read More

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Not in Despair

Harvey Yoder. This is a true story of a broken home, a broken man, and a truth discovered?that even in the most desperate circumstances, God can comfort the true seeker. 175 pages; paper; Christian Light Publications.

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Loyalty Test

Christian watched uneasily as anti-British attitudes bubbled up in the American colonies. As rebellion progressed to outright war, Christian stood by as the new colonial army confiscated his wheat and cattle. But what would be the consequences of refusing to obey the new law requiring citizens to swear loyalty to the state? Based on historical characters, Loyalty Test describes the trials of a peaceful people in distressing times. A sequel to Hidden Riches. Paperback, 190 pages.

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Part of the Family

Merle Burkholder. This book is written to children who have been adopted. Each chapter is about a Bible character who experienced difficult or unique family situations, including Moses, Joseph, Esther, and Jesus. Written in a simple style, Part of the … Read More

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Music in Biblical Perspective

John Coblentz. An interesting and informative booklet on music?what it is meant for and how we need to discern between godly music and the music of this world. Topics covered include the music, the message, music for entertainment, the effects … Read More

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Never Alone: Galina’s Story

Violet Miller. Under the shadow of a government determined to stamp out Christianity, Pavel and Galina and their family find God their constant help, provider, and companion. When Pavel is ordained a minister in the persecuted church, Galina prays, “I … Read More

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Overcoming Inferiority

Jenna, the older sister, was beautiful and talented. Sara was the ordinary one. For years she was simply known as “Jenna’s sister,” without an identity of her own. Falling into the trap of comparison, Sara became all too familiar with … Read More

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