Clutched in the Talons and Two Other Stories
This book contains three realistic stories illustrating the captivating aspect of sin and the trap it sets for its victims. Each story uses true-to-life scenarios that young people can relate to and points the reader to a life of freedom from guilt. Paperback, 102 pages.

Don’t Throw in the Towel
Simon Schrock. Virtually all Christians face discouragement at various times. And when discouragement sets in, it affects our walk with God and our ability to minister to others effectively. Although Satan is out to dishearten you, God has something better … Read More

From Wealth to Faith
Mollie Zook. Live with the Reimer family in Russia in their affluence and forebodings. Journey with them through disappointment, heartache, and suffering as they seek freedom, and enjoy with them the greater wealth which they obtained at great price. Written … Read More

Getting Along with People God’s Way
John Coblentz. We all have relationships with other people?but of what sort are they? Are these relationships satisfying or empty, superficial or deep? Is there a trail of conflict? Do our relationships matter to God? Boundaries are lines of respect; … Read More

Horse Stories from The Man Who Played With Sticks
Written by an experienced horse trainer, this book illustrates parallells between training horses important life lessons. As children read of listen to the stories, they will catch something they can understand. Adults will see additional truths at a deeper level. This book is also a convincing call to good child training. Paperback, 120 pages.

Light from Heaven
Joseph Armstrong’s father showed little concern for his wife and children. Work came first. Praise was a foreign language. All the while, he portrayed himself as flawlessly pious to those outside the family, making his home a potential hotbed for bitterness. But a devout mother bridged the gap – loving, teaching, and praying for her children. Her prayers were heard; Joseph’s heavenly Father helped him rise above his circumstances to a life of purpose. 537 pages; paperback.