Further Trails Through Yesteryear
Alfred Isaac. A sequel to Yesteryear’s Trails. The author continues recounting the adventures and misadventures on the farm where he grew up, the land that his grandfather homesteaded. Now he and his wife are bringing up a family of their … Read More

Called to Be a Soldier
This book tells the experiences of conscientious objectors in Canada during World War II. It details their lives in the camps where they performed alternative service instead of joining the army. Most of the boys were from Ontario, and they first served at the Montreal River Camp, clearing land for the Trans-Canada Highway. Later some were transferred to forestry camps in British Columbia to fight forest fires and plant trees. Copies of letters to and from government officials are included, as well as some letters from church leaders. Although the practices of the different faiths vary from what we practice, this book gives a good picture of what CO camp life was like. 519 pages; paperback; Vineyard Publications.