Water My Soul: 90 Meditations from an Old Order Mennonite
As an Old Order Mennonite living in southern Ohio, Darla Weaver uses the common events of farm life, gardening, and nature to illustrate spiritual truths. Each daily meditation includes a scripture reading, prayer, and a question for reflection. 91 devotionals; … Read More

Distant Shores
As a young Amish man in 1969, Ivan Weaver left for Alaska to become a hunting guide with the world-famous Pinnell & Talifson outfitters. For 2 1/2 years he lived “the Dream” in the wilds, guiding men as they hunted huge Kodiak brown bears. This book details many fine adventures of that life. But Ivan began to be troubled. “What is the meaning of life?” “Do I have a foundation?” he wondered. He finally decided he must return to his roots and his church. 243 pages; paper; Weaver.

Are you a worrier? Worry causes us to lose sleep, to lose our appetite, or to be restless and yet paralyzed at the same time. What does God say about worry? There is appropriate fear and clinical anxiety. The author seeks to divide between those and the worry that most of us deal with – the kind God would have us leave behind. This book points us to the Bible, where God reassures us and asks us for a faith-filled, trusting response. Recommended reading! 174 pages; paperback; IVP Books.