The Go-Giver
This book is a “parable” about succeeding in business – and at life itself. It is not a religious story, but the principles are true to life and generally align with biblical precepts. It tells about Joe, a young man who wanted to succeed in life, but things were not going well. He is introduced to the concept of giving more than you expect in return, along with 5 related “laws.” It is an interesting read! 150 pages; hardcover.

The Home Beautiful
First published in 1912, his book clearly presents the beauties of the Christian home. Chapters include “The Wedded Life,” “The Husband’s Part,” “The Wife’s Part,” “The Parents’ Part,” “The Children’s Part,” and “Brothers and Sisters.” A clear teaching of Christian … Read More

The Mountains Within
Everyone has a challenge: perhaps it is insecurity, self-doubt, grief or disappointment. These mountains within seek to defeat us, but with God’s help we can conquer! In this book of 150 devotional readings, Delilah shares personal experiences and encounters to inspire the reader to hold the Savior’s hand. Woven throughout is her tale of climbing Mount Elbert – Colorado’s highest peak. Paperback, 320 pages.

The Search for Christian Education in Michigan
This book is a record of the efforts of members of the Church of God in Christ, Mennonite, who reside in the state of Michigan, to maintain their historic faith and practice in the area of education. Included are an important set of documents, letters, newspaper articles, and reports of court proceedings showing the progression of this effort. The conviction to begin a parochial school for children of members is shown. Meeting minutes related to the building of Countryside Christian School as well as early school board meeting minutes are also part of this record. 95 pages; paperback.

The Seventh Escape
Walter Logé was an amazing man with a strong faith! An ambulance driver in the German army, he was taken prisoner by the Russians in 1944 and shipped to a labor camp far to the east. Walter was gentle and kind, yet he also had nerves of steel, quick wits, and much determination. His goal was to get back to Berlin, where his wife and three children awaited him – IF they had survived the war. Follow Walter on his desperate flight from captivity! 116 pages; paperback.

The Tie Between
This book holds out hope through grief. It is a compilation of items written especially for widows and those supporting them. The articles, poems, answers to questions, and other contributions are gathered from many different people and varied perspectives, generally from people with a conservative outlook. While every person’s experience is different, none can comfort like those who have gone through something similar. 123 entries, 335 pages; paperback.

The Titanic Tragedy: Stories from the Mighty Titanic
Each chapter in this book is a story from the tragic sinking of the Titanic. The author uses this account to draw a parallel theme to Christian life and eternal destiny. This book is a plea to the reader to come to God before it is too late.