The Victorious Life

Have you struggled in defeat as a Christian? Are you living in bondage to fear, pride, lust, anger, or self-pity? In this book you will find practical guidance from God’s Word that will show you how to live in victory over sin. The steps to victory are not always easy. But they are right, and they are backed by all the resources of the heavenly Father. And they lead to heaven itself! 127 pages; paperback.

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The Well-Behaved Child

Are you at you at your wit’s end with your child training program? In this book, the author shares seven essential tools for raising a child who pays attention and obeys. He tells how to rescue a child that is throwing tantrums and disrespecting parents. There is good solid teaching in it, and the author rejects the errors of modern psycology related to this topic. This book covers methods for children ages 3 to 13. Paperback, 217 pages.

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Three for the Cross

Martyrs for the true faith are common people like you and me, people who faced fear and perplexing situations but found grace to follow the way of the cross. And in the cross they found true freedom of soul and spirit. In this book, meet Jacob, Anneken, Andries, Jan and Peter. Also, Adriana, Mariken, Hendrick and many others. Some took up the cross and found peace. Some turned away. 162 pages; paperback.

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Through the Storm

This book tells a heartfelt story of joy and sorrow, struggle and triumph. The Bicknell family faced tremendous challenges as the husband and father is stricken with frontotemporal dementia. But God is good, and he answered their needs many times! This is a story of finding rest and security in spite of troubling circumstances. 71 pages; paperback; Bicknell.

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Trouble, Trials, and Trust

Stephanie Kauffman continues to write about her life in this third book, following The Girl With Nine Lives and Suitcases, Schools, and Survival. While teaching in Alberta, Stacy has a chance to travel to Peru. Little do they know that they will land in the middle of a terrorist uprising. Facing death and danger, Stacy soon discovers the leading of God and learns to depend on him like never before. Upon returning home she finds her re-adjustment to be a difficult experience, but again, God is there. Stacy’s adventures continue as she travels to Eastern Canada and Alaska. A six-month teaching opportunity in Australia rounds out the book’s adventures. 230 pages; paper; Friesen.

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What the Blind Man Saw

Born blind in one eye, Johnnie Wenger completely lost his sight in 1865 at age twenty-two. It was a hard blow, but he was not one to give up. Determined, cheerful, and content with God’s plan, Blind Johnnie helped others by making brooms, operating a neighborhood store, and assembling farm equipment in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. 128 pages; paperback.

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Where Is God When It Hurts?

O the pain is so real – when will it go away? Why me? Many of us cry out from the depths of our physical, emotional, or spiritual pain. What is the purpose of pain, anyway? Many suffering Christians want to love God, but they cannot see past their tears. In this book, the author examines the purposes of pain, why God allows pain, how to cope with pain, and how faith helps. 286 pages; paperback.

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Where Is Lazarus?

The author challenges us to take a closer look at Jesus’ story of the rich man and Lazarus. What if extreme poverty were just outside our door? How would it affect our choices? 224 pages; paperback.

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A Flame Forever Bright

Claudia Esh. The story of Dirk Willems rescuing his pursuer who fell through the ice is one of the best-known stories in the Martyrs Mirror. However, almost nothing is known about Willems’s life prior to his arrest and being burned … Read More

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A Reason to Hope

Laura Smucker. What will sustain little Mira Kalinowski and her family when they return to find their former home reduced to a pile of bricks during World War II? The emotional scars of war permanently mark this Polish family. As … Read More

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