My Bible Friends Set


SKU: 12382 Category:


Etta B. Degering. This five-volume set is excellent for acquainting small children with familiar Bible stories. Each book has four stories illustrated in full color and graphic detail. Good-quality binding; children will spend much time with this set. Hardcover; Review and Herald. Set of five: 12382.

Book 1: Baby Moses; Baby Jesus; Joseph’s New Coat; Joseph and His Brothers
Book 2: Jesus and the Storm; Jesus and the Children; Samuel, the Little Priest; ­David, the Youngest Boy
Book 3: Go Wash in the River; The Time of No Rain; A Room and a Boy; Barley Loaves and Fishes
Book 4: Joash, the Boy King; Esther, the Brave Queen; When God Washed the World; The Borrowed Ax
Book 5: Daniel and His Friends; Daniel and the Lions; Zacchaeus the Cheater; Jabel the Shepherd