Compiled by the ladies of the West Point congregation in Mississippi, this book contains 154 pages of recipes; some with a southern style of cooking. Hardcover with plastic comb binding.
This fine collection of recipes has already shown its worth by its wide circulation and use. It contains about 900 recipes in thirteen sections, with a complete index. 284 pages; paper with plastic coil binding; Yost.
A collection of favorite recipes compiled by the staff of PrairieView Press. In sixteen sections, with a complete index. 446 pages; paper with plastic coil binding; PrairieView Press.
A snack cookbook compiled by Kathy Schultz and Esther Lou Mininger with 350 night lunch recipes. This cookbook offers one of the most extensive collections of snack recipes in one convenient book. Hardcover with comb-binding.
Vivian Bartel. A cookbook for children. This is a full-color cookbook with simple recipes and clear, easy-to-follow instructions. Recipes include the very simple (how to boil eggs) and the more complicated (cinnamon rolls and French bread). 167 pages; paper with … Read More
This cookbook with more than 500 recipes has been in print for a number of years and is now available from Gospel Publishers. Recipes from Brazil are found throughout this cookbook. Paperback with comb binding; Carol Schultz.