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29 songs; paper.
Faith Nightingale
Trish Boese. Twenty-seven songs by various authors including some songs written by Trish Boese. Paperback.
35 songs; paper.
310 songs; hardcover; PrairieView Press.
93 songs.
Songs from school days long ago. 136 songs; paper; PrairieView Press.
50 songs. The majority of the songs in Banners of Joy Volume 1 and 2 are in trio arrangement, and the remainder have four-part harmony. Volume 3 also contains numerous duet songs. Paper with spiral binding.
89 English and five German songs.
Songs by Geraldine Koehn, Vivian Koehn, Darrell Koehn, Cindy Koehn, Larry Ensz, and Dwonn Ratzlaff. 23 songs; paper with spiral binding; Koehn.