Book D1 is the third of a series of music books for grades 1-8. It contains 28 lessons aimed at seventh and eighth-grade students with a focus on rhythm. Full color; coil bound; 113 pages.
The course contains twenty-eight lessons aimed at 7th & 8th-grade students, with a focus on harmony. This teacher’s guide has clear instructions for beginning music teachers. It contains reduced copies of student pages with corresponding instructions as well as word-for-word … Read More
For grades 1 and 2. Music instruction workbooks for Christian schools. Begins on a very simple level and becomes more advanced in each succeeding book. Book 1 — grades 1-2; Book 2 — grades 3-4; Book 3 — grades 5-6; … Read More
Book D2 is the third of a series of music books for grades 1-8. It contains 28 lessons aimed at seventh and eighth-grade students with a focus on harmony. Full color; coil bound; 113 pages.