The Wolf King


High in the Rocky Mountains of Alberta, a lively black wolf pup was born. Early in life he had close encounters with man but miraculously escaped. He grew into a mighty 200 pound leader of a pack, and he came to be called the king. His cunning and power seemed almost limitless! Young people will enjoy this thrilling tale of the wilderness and the wild animals and hardy men that inhabit it. 246 pages; paperback; AB Publishing.

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High in the Rocky Mountains of Alberta, a lively black wolf pup was born. Early in life he had close encounters with man but miraculously escaped. He grew into a mighty 200 pound leader of a pack, and he came to be called the king. His cunning and power seemed almost limitless! Young people will enjoy this thrilling tale of the wilderness and the wild animals and hardy men that inhabit it. 246 pages; paperback; AB Publishing.