16 Minutes Later

This compilation of sixty-five stories and articles can be read to children, incorporated into family worship and school devotions, or read for personal inspiration. A number of essays offer plain-spoken teaching on moral purity and should be read with discretion. 219 pages. Paperback.

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A Chance to Be Brave

This book is a collection of short stories about boys. Some are serious and some are humorous, but they all are interesting and teach life lessons. Good for school devotions, family devotions, and young Sunday School classes. Paperback, 34 stories, 156 pages.

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A Kitten Named Birthday

Six-year-old Sarah loves to play with her birthday present, a kitten she named Birthday. Because Sarah is deaf, she cannot hear when Birthday meows. In this story, she learns many things about her kitten and seeks to find the answer to her question, “Does God know sign language?”

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Cornmeal Samaritan

Snug and warm inside the cabin, Esther watched the snow pile high. Then she thought of the six old Indians living in a wigwam two miles away. They couldn’t hunt in this storm; how would they survive? Dad was concerned … Read More

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Dewdrops in the Garden

From the heart of an avid gardener, a unique women’s devotional book that is inspirational in every season. Includes a generous sprinkling of gardening and flower-growing tips.

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Discovering My Place

Most new brides crave a vibrant marriage that remains unruffled despite the storms of life, but some will find themselves on a path of disappointment. The author set out to find the answers to lasting love, and as she studied, talked, and prayed, she discovered a place where surrender leads to grace, and grace leads to joy. A devotional book for women.

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Grandpa John’s Lost Bible

Some people keep the pages of their Bibles clean and white. Not Grandpa John! His beloved Bible is sprinkled with circles and notes from one end to the other. When Grandpa John’s Bible disappears on the way home from church one evening, he knows he will never be able to buy another one like it. Hardcover; 24 pages.

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Let the Little Children Come

Moms, do you feel unsure about how to pray with your children? How do you teach them to pray? This book touches on these topics, and it also covers praying with the different ages of children, our own prayer life, and ways to vary prayer time so it doesn’t become mechanical. A good book for parents of small and school age children. 159 pages; paperback.

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Light Side Dark Side

Shari Beth cared for everybody she met in Haiti, from those whose wounds she bandaged to the souls trapped in Satan worship. This book opens a window into Haitian culture and shows the contrast between God’s power and the power of darkness.

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Once Upon a Bedtime in a Faraway Land

Oliver lies in bed and imagines traveling around the world. Who might he meet? What kind of bed would he sleep in? From a goat-hair tent to a snowy igloo, from a jungle hammock to a rooftop mat, take a bedtime trip around the world with Oliver and marvel at the places and people in God’s big world. Ages 4-8. Hardcover; 50 pages.

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