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101 Pi Bel Istwa Nan Bib la – Creole

(101 Favorite Stories from the Bible) A Bible story book with Bible stories simply and clearly told. Color illustrations. 222 pages; hardcover.

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16 Minutes Later

This compilation of sixty-five stories and articles can be read to children, incorporated into family worship and school devotions, or read for personal inspiration. A number of essays offer plain-spoken teaching on moral purity and should be read with discretion. 219 pages. Paperback.

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A Beaver’s Story

This is the story of beavers named Haloka and Akella and their family. Together they build their amazing lodge and struggle through a flood that sweeps it away. Danger from fierce wild animals and human hunters enlivens the wonderfully true-to-nature … Read More

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A Bicycle for Kofi

Ten-year-old Kofi lives in Ghana. He dreams of some day owning a bicycle, but it doesn’t seem possible. His parents teach him to be content with what he has. He can be happy by making other people happy. 125 pages; hardcover.

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A Black Bear’s Story

This book takes the reader on a fascinating adventure through the first year and a half of twin bear cubs’ experiences with their mother. She is a wise mother bear, and they learn all about finding food and avoiding danger. This is an eventful and authentic tale of the bears and their forest neighbors – the moose, deer, porcupines, otters, ravens, owls, and many other wild inhabitants of the north woods. 192 pages; paperback; AB Publishing.

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A Chance to Be Brave

This book is a collection of short stories about boys. Some are serious and some are humorous, but they all are interesting and teach life lessons. Good for school devotions, family devotions, and young Sunday School classes. Paperback, 34 stories, 156 pages.

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A Distant Landscape

A series of beautifully descriptive pieces from across a broad landscape of time and locations: travel, Americana, the Mennonite faith, and logging in the Pacific Northwest. 137 pages; paperback.

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A Kitten Named Birthday

Six-year-old Sarah loves to play with her birthday present, a kitten she named Birthday. Because Sarah is deaf, she cannot hear when Birthday meows. In this story, she learns many things about her kitten and seeks to find the answer to her question, “Does God know sign language?”

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A Little House Birthday

The winter is so long, and the girls are getting bored. Then one day Pa told Laura it was her birthday. What a fun day, with gifts from Pa and Ma and Mary! Adapted from Little House in the Big Woods. A book for young children with more illustrations than text. 32 pages; paperback; HarperCollins.

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A Place for Ruth

This book tells the true life story of Ruth, a German Mennonite girl raised in Nazi Germany. Toward the end of World War II, Ruth and her siblings and mother were refugees in Denmark, while her father was a prisoner of war. Later the family was reunited, but destitute and dependent on MCC care packages from America. Read this book to see God’s work in her heart and how she eventually found a home in America. Paperback, 204 pages.

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