Growing in Character, Junior Book 1
A Bible study course for Junior class consisting of sixteen lessons that cover character-building habits such as respect, courtesy, forgiveness, and unselfishness. Each lesson contains a scripture passage, application story, and exercises. 107 pages. Gospel Publishers.

Growing in Character, Junior Book 2
A Bible study course for Junior class consisting of sixteen lessons that cover character-building habits such as respect, courtesy, forgiveness, and unselfishness. Each lesson contains a scripture passage, application story, and exercises. 118 pages. Gospel Publishers.

Growing in Character, Primary Book 1
A Bible study course for Primary class consisting of sixteen lessons that cover character-building habits such as respect, courtesy, forgiveness, and unselfishness. Each lesson contains a scripture passage, application story, and exercises. 117 pages. Gospel Publishers.

Growing in Character, Primary Book 2
A Bible study course for Primary class consisting of sixteen lessons that cover character-building habits such as respect, courtesy, forgiveness, and unselfishness. Each lesson contains a scripture passage, application story, and exercises. 110 pages. Gospel Publishers.

Guidelines to Christian Living
A comprehensive Bible study book. There are 75 lessons, divided into five parts with fifteen lessons each: Bible Doctrines, Christian Growth, The Christian Life, The Christian and the World, and Character Studies. Each lesson has an introduction, Scripture references, questions, … Read More

Biography and Exhortation of Hiram J. Mininger
Hiram Mininger tells of his search for the truth and how he became acquainted with John Holdeman’s teachings and was later baptized into the Church of God in Christ, Mennonite. Included is a statement of his reasons for leaving the … Read More

History of Christian Public Service
A concise overview of convictions and events that led to the formation of Christian Public Service during the early 1950s. This booklet tells of the challenges faced by conscientious objectors beginning with World War I and the intent of the … Read More