Just Beyond

A collection of inspirational songs by W. Frank Bueckert. 27 songs; 48 pages; paperback.

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Karen and the Cobra

A book of short stories for children. Read dramatic tales of near-death experiences with snakes, wolves, flood-waters and more. These stories of youth show daring faith against impossible odds. Ages 9-15. Paperback; 128 pages.

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Keepers of the Flame

Fifty-five songs, mostly written by John Paul Raber, and the story of the inspiration which prompted the song. Some of the songs are familiar – A Song Within, Until He Calls Us, Remove Not the Landmarks – some are not so well known. 121 pages; hardcover.

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Kidnapped in Haiti

October 16, 2021, seemed like a perfect day for the planned trip to the orphanage. Little did the seventeen missionaries realize they would not make it home that day. This is the amazing story of the missionaries who were kidnapped … Read More

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Leaning Toward the Light

In this devotional book for women, the author shares experiences from her life and the lives of others. The topics are varied, with a focus on seeking God and fellowship with Christian friends as a way of finding joy in difficult places. Ninety-nine devotionals; each notes a related scripture to read. 207 pages; paperback.

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Leaving Russia: The Journey to Canada

In this book you will read stories and learn about the Mennonites that moved to the prairies of Manitoba. In the 1870s, the group arrived after a long journey. They sailed over the Atlantic Ocean and along several rivers, and then travelled across land by wagon train. The Mennonites were welcomed by the Canadian government because they were known to be great farmers. But starting to farm this new land was just the beginning of the Mennonites’ story. Good for upper grades at school, but suitable for any age. 80 pages; paperback; Plett Foundation.

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Let the Little Children Come

Moms, do you feel unsure about how to pray with your children? How do you teach them to pray? This book touches on these topics, and it also covers praying with the different ages of children, our own prayer life, and ways to vary prayer time so it doesn’t become mechanical. A good book for parents of small and school age children. 159 pages; paperback.

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Light Side Dark Side

Shari Beth cared for everybody she met in Haiti, from those whose wounds she bandaged to the souls trapped in Satan worship. This book opens a window into Haitian culture and shows the contrast between God’s power and the power of darkness.

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Lively Stones

This little volume is a scrapbook of excerpts from historical writings of the Mennonites, from the Martyrs Mirror through the time of immigration to America. In the back is some family history of the David C Koehn and the Andrew Koehn families. Collected over many years by Merle Koehn, the purpose is to give posterity a glimpse into the history of the forefathers and the challenging times they lived through. 107 pages; coil-bound; paperback.

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Living in Sonshine

Here is a book about the joys and noise of mothering boys! A compilation of 120 items, it is full of inspiring essays, practical tips, poems, humorous stories, and more. Some items are written from the perspective of mothers, some from sisters growing up in a house full of brothers. If you are raising boys this book is for you! 272 pages; paperback.

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