Crossway ESV Thinline TruTone

The ESV translation is great for personal study. An essentially literal translation, the ESV preserves much of the poetic and literary quality of the KJV while using modern English. Black letter only, 8 point type, maps, subject headings throughout text. This Bible contains a limited concordance. Page size is 8 3/8 in. by 5 5 1/16 in. Thickness is 7/8 inch.

$29.99 Add to cart
Daybreak, Book 5

Fifty-two songs written by 37 authors and composers. Paperback; Daybreak Music Publishers

$14.50 Add to cart
Daybreak, Volume IV

Forty-three songs written by 30 authors and composers. O sing unto the Lord a new song! Paperback; Daybreak Music Publishers; 15110

$14.50 Add to cart
Decisions, Departures, and Destinations

Stephanie Kauffman’s fifth installment of the series tracing the true-life travels and adventures of Stacy Kanner, brings the school teacher to the Cotswold District in England, where she serves in the kitchen, classroom, and office of a Christian school. God … Read More

$21.50 Add to cart
Defying Jihad

“Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” The words comforted Zakhira as she faced the immediate possibility of torture and death for being a Christian. Read this true story to understand better how God works with a Muslim who converts to Christianity. You will feel terror with the author, then see the power and miracles God can do in a heart given to Him. 303 pages; paperback.

$17.99 Add to cart
Dewdrops in the Garden

From the heart of an avid gardener, a unique women’s devotional book that is inspirational in every season. Includes a generous sprinkling of gardening and flower-growing tips.

$14.45 Add to cart
Discoveries in Song B Series Flashcard Packet

This Discoveries in Song B Series Flashcard Packet is an integral part of the B1 and B2 music courses for 3rd and 4th graders. It includes 115 Music Flashcards, 5 3/4″ X 3 3/4″, organized by color, and 25 Vocal Glide cards, 8 1/2″ X 5 1/2″. Buy one packet per classroom.

$32.00 Add to cart
Discoveries in Song B1 (Grades 3&4)

Discoveries in Song, B1 is a music instruction book of 28 lessons aimed at third and fourth-grade students with a focus on rhythm. Full color; coil bound; 117 pages. Guiding Light Publishers.
Note: The Teacher Guide, the Discoveries songbook, and the B Series Flashcard Packet are integral components of this course. A digital download with the reinforcement songs can also be purchased.

$17.00 Add to cart
Discoveries in Song B1, Teacher Edition

Teacher Guide for Discoveries in Song, B1. The course contains twenty-eight lessons aimed at 3rd & 4th-grade students, with a focus on rhythm. This teacher’s guide has clear instructions for beginning music teachers. It contains reduced copies of student pages with corresponding instructions as well as word-for-word scripting which the teacher can read directly to the students. Following this guide closely helps ensure success in teaching this course. Full color; coil bound; 150 pages.

$30.00 Add to cart
Discoveries in Song B2 (Grades 3&4)

Discoveries in Song, B2 is a music instruction book of 28 lessons aimed at third and fourth-grade students with a focus on harmony. Full color; coil bound; 117 pages. Guiding Light Publishers. — Note: The Teacher Guide, the Discoveries songbook, and the B Series Flashcard Packet are integral components of this course. A digital download with the reinforcement songs can also be purchased.

$17.00 Add to cart