The Tie Between

This book holds out hope through grief. It is a compilation of items written especially for widows and those supporting them. The articles, poems, answers to questions, and other contributions are gathered from many different people and varied perspectives, generally from people with a conservative outlook. While every person’s experience is different, none can comfort like those who have gone through something similar. 123 entries, 335 pages; paperback.

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The Victorious Life

Have you struggled in defeat as a Christian? Are you living in bondage to fear, pride, lust, anger, or self-pity? In this book you will find practical guidance from God’s Word that will show you how to live in victory over sin. The steps to victory are not always easy. But they are right, and they are backed by all the resources of the heavenly Father. And they lead to heaven itself! 127 pages; paperback.

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Three for the Cross

Martyrs for the true faith are common people like you and me, people who faced fear and perplexing situations but found grace to follow the way of the cross. And in the cross they found true freedom of soul and spirit. In this book, meet Jacob, Anneken, Andries, Jan and Peter. Also, Adriana, Mariken, Hendrick and many others. Some took up the cross and found peace. Some turned away. 162 pages; paperback.

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Through the Storm

This book tells a heartfelt story of joy and sorrow, struggle and triumph. The Bicknell family faced tremendous challenges as the husband and father is stricken with frontotemporal dementia. But God is good, and he answered their needs many times! This is a story of finding rest and security in spite of troubling circumstances. 71 pages; paperback; Bicknell.

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What the Blind Man Saw

Born blind in one eye, Johnnie Wenger completely lost his sight in 1865 at age twenty-two. It was a hard blow, but he was not one to give up. Determined, cheerful, and content with God’s plan, Blind Johnnie helped others by making brooms, operating a neighborhood store, and assembling farm equipment in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. 128 pages; paperback.

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Where Is God When It Hurts?

O the pain is so real – when will it go away? Why me? Many of us cry out from the depths of our physical, emotional, or spiritual pain. What is the purpose of pain, anyway? Many suffering Christians want to love God, but they cannot see past their tears. In this book, the author examines the purposes of pain, why God allows pain, how to cope with pain, and how faith helps. 286 pages; paperback.

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Called to Be a Soldier

This book tells the experiences of conscientious objectors in Canada during World War II. It details their lives in the camps where they performed alternative service instead of joining the army. Most of the boys were from Ontario, and they first served at the Montreal River Camp, clearing land for the Trans-Canada Highway. Later some were transferred to forestry camps in British Columbia to fight forest fires and plant trees. Copies of letters to and from government officials are included, as well as some letters from church leaders. Although the practices of the different faiths vary from what we practice, this book gives a good picture of what CO camp life was like. 519 pages; paperback; Vineyard Publications.

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