Arrow in the Sky
Amish Frontier Series Book 5. No jobs, no money, no food… This became a common refrain in the 1930s. Living on a rice farm in Arkansas, the Yoder family had plenty of food, but money was scarce. Migrant workers came through in search of work, presenting a chance to share their food and show their care. Children will enjoy this story of bygone days and learn about that era in the process. 165 pages; paperback; Ridgeway Publishing.

God in the Caribou Fire
The wall of fire sweeping down Mount Marius was pushed by high gusts of wind. The fire would roll and jump ahead of itself, shooting flames a couple hundred feet high. That fire was coming HERE! Time was running out. It is inspiring to read these first person accounts of people who fled before the Caribou Fire, and also to read of how God helped them deal with the aftermath. 251 pages; paper; Ridgeway Publishing.