Paths Songbook – Digital (PDF format) for A1 & A2
A PDF containing the songs for reinforcement used in Paths to Song, A1 and A2. 104 songs. Purchase of this e-book allows for the purchaser to possess one digital copy. It is illegal to digitally duplicate this e-book. Printed copies … Read More

Power of the Cross Songbook
488 songs compiled and published by Evangel Schlabach. A wide variety of songs – old songs and new. Some are from well-known composers (Mosie Lister and Albert Brumley), some are by members of the Church of God in Christ, Mennonite, … Read More

Psalms and Hymns and Spiritual Songs
A unique collection of 980 songs. Many of these are ancient hymns and old-style songs. A brief history of the song or biographical sketch of the composer is included for some of them. Hardcover.

The Blessed Hope
Forty-one new songs, written by 17 authors and composers. Compiled by Joel & Kaleigh Koehn and Savanna Unruh. Paperback; The Blessed Hope; 15107

Adventures Songbook – Companion Songs for C1 & C2
Supplemental songbook to Adventures in Song, C1 and C2. (Includes the reinforcement songs listed in the Teacher Guide) $12.50. A digital download with the reinforcement songs can be purchased separately.

Altar of Praise
Trish Boese. Twenty-seven songs by various authors including some songs written by Trish Boese. Paperback.

Banners of Joy Volume 1
50 songs. The majority of the songs in Banners of Joy Volume 1 and 2 are in trio arrangement, and the remainder have four-part harmony. Volume 3 also contains numerous duet songs. Paper with spiral binding.