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The Mountains Within
Everyone has a challenge: perhaps it is insecurity, self-doubt, grief or disappointment. These mountains within seek to defeat us, but with God’s help we can conquer! In this book of 150 devotional readings, Delilah Shultz shares personal experiences and encounters

Decisions, Departures, and Destinations
Author Stephanie Kauffman’s fifth installment of the series tracing the true-life travels and adventures of Stacy Kanner, brings the school teacher to the Cotswold District in England, where she serves in the kitchen, classroom, and office of a Christian school.

Daybreak, Book 5
Fifty-two songs written by 37 authors and composers. Paperback; Daybreak Music Publishers.

Moments Songbook
A collection of 39 songs published by Nolan Koehn and Shannon Smith. Songs from Les Dirks and Korey Smith are included.

The Mountains Within
Everyone has a challenge: perhaps it is insecurity, self-doubt, grief or disappointment. These mountains within seek to defeat us, but with God’s help we can conquer! In this book of 150 devotional readings, Delilah Shultz shares personal experiences and encounters

Decisions, Departures, and Destinations
Author Stephanie Kauffman’s fifth installment of the series tracing the true-life travels and adventures of Stacy Kanner, brings the school teacher to the Cotswold District in England, where she serves in the kitchen, classroom, and office of a Christian school.

Daybreak, Book 5
Fifty-two songs written by 37 authors and composers. Paperback; Daybreak Music Publishers.
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View our Wedding Bible Info.
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