The Story of the Titanic
This is the story of the Titanic tragedy, told by four survivors. Lawrence Beesley, Archibald Gracie, Commander Lightoller, and Harold Bride each tell in their own words what really happened, each from their own viewpoint. 320 pages; paperback; Dover Publications.

When Others Make Your Life Difficult
Daniel Miller. This small, practical book uses scripture and Bible-based teaching to help us cope with difficult relationships. It points toward forgiveness and seeing the offender as God does. To respond with active grace is a high calling! 79 pages; … Read More

Un cordón de tres dobleces
A Threefold Cord (Spanish). In this book about marriage and the home, God’s plan for husband-wife relationships is taught in a clear, interesting manner. Included are chapters about preparing for marriage; the beginnings of a happy home; the husband’s role … Read More