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100 songs.
93 songs.
34 songs; paper.
Songs written by Janelle Unruh, arranged by Geraldine Koehn. 37 songs; paper; Janelle Unruh.
Trish Boese. Twenty-seven songs by various authors including some songs written by Trish Boese. Paperback.
Thirty-eight songs, most of which were composed by Vangi Millsap. 64 pages; paper; Millsap.
35 songs; paper.
Songs from school days long ago. 136 songs; paper; PrairieView Press.
Songs by Geraldine Koehn, Vivian Koehn, Darrell Koehn, Cindy Koehn, Larry Ensz, and Dwonn Ratzlaff. 23 songs; paper with spiral binding; Koehn.