Andrew Murray probes Scripture and the life of Christ in order to teach us how to pray effectually. He asks us to enroll in a new kind of academy with Jesus as our headmaster. Murray gently instructs us on how … Read More
A. W. Tozer. With over 100,000 copies in print, this classic of Christian devotion discusses the attributes of God, from God’s infinity to His love. 128 pages; paper; HarperCollins.
A. W. Tozer, compiled by Warren Wiersbe. Many of Tozer’s best essays have been brought together in this volume. It contains excerpts from The Pursuit of God, Born After Midnight, God Tells the Man Who Cares, The Root of the … Read More
Kenneth W. Osbeck. ‘Christ Arose’, ‘Have Thine Own Way, Lord!’, ‘He the Pearly Gates Will Open’, and ‘Sweet Peace, the Gift of God’s Love’ are just a few of the 101 hymns described. 321 pages; paper; Kregel.
Elo Bowman. This is a good collection of inspirational poems, one for each day of the year. Topics vary widely and include spiritual themes, family fun, nature, stories that teach a lesson, etc. 399 pages; paper; Vineyard Publications.
Andrew Murray. In thirty-one brief chapters, arranged as readings for each day of the month, this book challenges Christians to practice the art of waiting–of being silent before God in complete trust and dependence. 95 pages; paper; Infinity.
Mable Hale. A book of encouragement to help teenage girls seek inner beauty and practice the proper manners and graces of a young lady. 167 pages; hardcover; Gospel Publishers.
Christopher von Schmid. This story takes place in Germany during the era of the castles. Mary and her good father James live in a small cottage near the castle. James is a gardener while Mary works for the Countess in … Read More