Mable Hale. A book of encouragement to help teenage girls seek inner beauty and practice the proper manners and graces of a young lady. 167 pages; hardcover; Gospel Publishers.
Kenneth W. Osbeck. The songs of Isaac Watts, Charles Wesley, Fanny Crosby, John Newton, and other hymn writers have been used to challenge the unbeliever, edify the saint, and fan revival fires. Knowing who wrote the words and music and … Read More
Elo Bowman. This is a good collection of inspirational poems, one for each day of the year. Topics vary widely and include spiritual themes, family fun, nature, stories that teach a lesson, etc. 399 pages; paper; Vineyard Publications.
Alfred Isaac. A sequel to Yesteryear’s Trails. The author continues recounting the adventures and misadventures on the farm where he grew up, the land that his grandfather homesteaded. Now he and his wife are bringing up a family of their … Read More
Andrew Murray. In thirty-one brief chapters, arranged as readings for each day of the month, this book challenges Christians to practice the art of waiting–of being silent before God in complete trust and dependence. 95 pages; paper; Infinity.
John Coblentz. Practical and biblical help for those who have suffered sexual abuse. Some of their sufferings are explained, as well as the lasting emotions they deal with. A step-by-step approach is used, with exercises for the abused one to … Read More
Alfred Isaac. Brothers Eric and Neal have many exciting adventures as they face conditions that help develop and mature them. The challenges they meet as they try to take the place their father had filled before this are a great … Read More
A. W. Tozer. This book decries much of modern worship as entertainment and pleads for “a return to the genuine: a worship in spirit and truth, in praise and adoration, in humility and love.” 128 pages; paper; Moody.