Andrew Murray. An edited collection of messages delivered in London in 1895. Too many Christians, though they have been born again, are not completely surrendered to God. Self can even seek to do God’s work. The reader is pointed to … Read More
Mable Hale. A book of encouragement to help teenage girls seek inner beauty and practice the proper manners and graces of a young lady. 167 pages; hardcover; Gospel Publishers.
Andrew Murray. In thirty-one brief chapters, arranged as readings for each day of the month, this book challenges Christians to practice the art of waiting–of being silent before God in complete trust and dependence. 95 pages; paper; Infinity.
A. W. Tozer. This book decries much of modern worship as entertainment and pleads for “a return to the genuine: a worship in spirit and truth, in praise and adoration, in humility and love.” 128 pages; paper; Moody.
Alfred Isaac. A sequel to Yesteryear’s Trails. The author continues recounting the adventures and misadventures on the farm where he grew up, the land that his grandfather homesteaded. Now he and his wife are bringing up a family of their … Read More
A. W. Tozer. With over 100,000 copies in print, this classic of Christian devotion discusses the attributes of God, from God’s infinity to His love. 128 pages; paper; HarperCollins.
Dan J. B. Byler. In this book, Byler gives us a brief overview of the book of Revelation and what he believes is the historic Anabaptist understanding of the book. Though not exhaustive, he gives a chapter-by-chapter introduction and tries … Read More
A. W. Tozer. This book is a compilation of 34 short essays originally written as editorials in Alliance Life magazine. The topics are varied, and many profound truths are presented in a way that we can understand and make them … Read More