Prairie Flour Cookbook


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Ever wish you could bake breads and cookies for your family that not only tasted delicious but were healthy, too? Prairie Flour holds the key. Whole grains are one of the most nutrient dense foods available, containing an amazing blend of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and complex carbs. When milled into fresh whole-grain flour, it’s easy to incorporate them into our daily meals. Prairie Flour contains over 150 kitchen-tested recipes, from breads to biscuits to brownies, that use freshly milled flour. It’s a bakers handbook, with tips, hints, facts, and resource pages. Nearly every recipe includes a full-color illustration of the actual recipe, with more pages of original artwork and stories. With over 300 pages, we hope this book becomes a valuable tool in providing nutritious food for yourself and your loved ones. 314 pages; hardcover.