Wendy Lawton. This book is a part of a series the author has written for 10-16-year-old girls. These books will interest other readers as well. Each book is about a girl in history who faced life with faith and courage … Read More
Elwyn Allen Smith. The preaching of John the Baptizer is causing a stir in Bethany. Andrew and his brother John are listening to the prophet preach when he baptizes a Galilean. Who is this fascinating Stranger from Galilee? Could this … Read More
By Helga Moser. Children can relive their favorite Pleasant Valley Farm moments with their very own coloring book featuring Danny, Chester, Shadow and Snoopy. 31 pictures to color; paperback; published by Christian Light Publications.
Worship, prayer, seeking truth, giving our best, from the old Herald Press VBS series that was used in our congregations and missions until the 1980s. Also see: Teacher’s manual 18028
The two paths, building on the firm foundation, God’s forgiveness, going the second mile, from the old Herald Press VBS series that was used in our congregations and missions until the 1980s. See also: Teacher’s manual 18026