Child of the Wolves
Elizabeth Hall. Granite, a Siberian husky puppy, must face the Alaskan forest alone after escaping from his kennel. Each moment of his life is threatened until Snowdrift, a great white wolf, welcomes him into the wolf pack. But Granite must … Read More

Carolina’s Courage
Elizabeth Yates. It takes courage to leave a familiar town, a comfortable homestead, and personal belongings and old friends. It takes courage to live in a small wagon, traveling barely a hundred miles a week through Indian territory. But it … Read More

Canadian Inventors
Maxine Trottier. Read the true stories of five amazing Canadians whose inventions changed the world. Paper; Scholastic Canada.

Canadian Disasters
René Schmidt. The Halifax explosion and other Canadian disasters tell tales of horrifying wreckage and incredible human courage. Read about recent disasters like the Pine Lake tornado, the Quebec ice storm, and SARS, and historical ones like the Spanish Flu, … Read More

Canada’s Arctic Animals
Chelsea Donaldson. Learn about nine different kinds of animals that live in the Canadian Arctic. Paper; Scholastic Canada.

Cabin on Trouble Creek
Jean Van Leeuwen. Pa, Daniel, and Will head out from Pennsylvania for the rich land in Ohio. They build a cabin, and Pa returns for Ma and the little ones. But there must be trouble, for Pa doesn’t come back … Read More

Blaze and the Lost Quarry
C. W. Anderson. Billy and his horse, Blaze, are looking for adventure as they set out to explore the countryside. But when they find an abandoned quarry, they are in for more than they could have imagined. Not only does … Read More

Black Stallion
Walter Farley. Alec boards a ship and discovers a black stallion aboard. He falls in love with the horse, and when they reach shore he trains the stallion to become a racehorse. Some slang to be modified. Paper; Random.

Black Beauty
Anna Sewell. The life story of a horse. A children’s classic for years, this story emphasizes kindness to animals. Paper; Dover.

Benjie Goes to School
Sara Jean Yoder. Go along with Benjie as he goes to school for the first time. Experience the excitement he feels as he learns many new things. Hardcover; Pathway.