Moses, God’s Chosen Leader
Edward A. Engelbrecht and Gail E. Pawlitz. Using colorful pictures and simple text, this book tells the story of Moses and how God delivered the children of Israel from Egypt and led to Canaan. Could be used by lower grade … Read More

Home on the Rock Pile
Pablo Yoder. In the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia is an area called Shifflet’s Hollow, a land of hills and valleys, creeks, hollows, rocks, wildflowers, bears, and skunks. Nestled atop a rocky knoll is a little white cabin that is … Read More

California Home
Fonda Good. Twelve-year-old Olive Brenneman lives on the dry southern California mountainside. She begins thinking that her grandparents and cousins have it much better back in Ohio; it would be wonderful to have a back yard filled with green and … Read More

The Captive Princess
Wendy Lawton. Based on the life of Pocahontas, the Powhatan princess who saved the life of John Smith. 146 pages; paper; Moody. The following titles are all part of a series the author has written with 10-16-year-old girls as the … Read More

Danny the Workhorse
Helga Moser. Meet the workhorse who had one problem—he was lazy! Find out how he was cured. 40 pages. Part of the Pleasant Valley Farm Series, a series of delightful books for young children.

Chester the Rooster
Helga Moser. Meet the friendly but proud rooster whose pride gets him into trouble! 44 pages. Part of the Pleasant Valley Farm Series, a series of delightful books for young children.

Growing with the Millers
Mildred A. Martin. A book full of interesting stories which are based on true incidents. Read about the missionary fly, how Timmy saves an elderly neighbor’s life, Peter shooting the wrong deer, and many more stories. 144 pages; paper; Green … Read More

Mountain Born
Elizabeth Yates. Peter grows up on a mountain farm. Benji, a wise old shepherd, teaches him to care for his own special lamb. As the lamb grows into her place as a leader in the flock, Peter also grows up … Read More

American Haven
In this sequel to Swiss Holiday, Michael and Merry travel to America with their Uncle Tony during World War II. London is being bombarded, and their parents want them to take shelter across the Atlantic. They have many adventures with … Read More

The Brickmakers
Rebecca Martin. This book continues the story of A Captain for Hans and tells of the group’s move to the Palatinate in Germany. Both books are historical novels. Interesting and meaningful for teenagers and adults. 191 pages; paper; Carlisle Press.