German-English Bible, Leather
This Bible has a few errors on the page headings, which is reflected in the pricing. A parallel Bible containing the Old and New Testaments in English and German. The Authorized King James 1611 is on the left page and … Read More

Die Bibel, large hardcover
German Bible, Luther Translation, 1912 edition. Old and New Testaments. In-line verse references and subject headings, maps, and a ribbon marker. Black letter only. Page size is 9″ x 6″ x 1 1/8″ thick; hardcover; Canadian Bible Society.

Spanish Outreach Bible
1960 Reina Valera Version; Double-column text; Chapter and section headings; References; Maps. Paper; Canadian Bible Society

Spanish Thompson Chain Reference Bible
Words of Christ in red, concordance, color maps, and chain reference system. Page size is 6¼ x 9¼ in.; thickness is 1½ in. Black imitation leather. 1960 Reina-Valera edition.

German/English Bible, Old-Style Script, bonded leather
A parallel Bible containing the Old and New Testaments in English and German. The King James Version is on the left page and German Luther 1912 text on the right page. The German text is in old-style Gothic script. Center … Read More

Die Bibel
German Bible, Luther Translation, 1912 edition. Old and New Testaments. In-line verse references and subject headings. Black letter only, features a 39-page concordance, color maps, 2 ribbon markers. Verlag der Lutherischen Buchhandlung. 186F, Black hardcover.

Louis Segond 1910 Bible, brown imitation leather
A Bible with larger-than-standard font size to allow easy-reading. Introduction to each book; Chapter and section headings; References, 4 colour maps; Red letter edition. Brown flexcover, gilt edges; thumb index; ribbon marker. 8¾ x 6¼ x1½ inches. Alliance Biblique Universelle

Louis Segond 1910 Bible, large print
Introduction to each book, chapters and sections headings, references, bookmarker, colour maps, Words of Jesus in red. Imitation leather binding, gilt edges. 9¾ x 7 x 1½ inches. Alliance Biblique Universelle

Holman Span/Eng Bilingual Bible, personal size
Complete texts of 1960 Reina-Valera Spanish Bible and King James Version English Bibles side by side. Words of Christ in red. Page size is 8 x 5 1/4; thickness is 1 1/4 in. 9939

La Sainte French and English Bilingual Bible
Louis Segond 1910 and King James version side by side. Approximately 7″ wide and 9″ tall. Hardcover; Bible Expo International.