Vox Compact Spanish and English Dictionary
Spanish to English, English to Spanish. Approximately 85,000 headwords, phrases, and examples in a handy-size book. 600+ pages; paper; NTC Publishing.

Spanish Dictionary, Pocket Size
Third edition. Over 50,000 entries. Spanish-English and also English-Spanish. 392 pages; softcover; Random House.

Tito, Companero de la Cruz
(Titus, a Comrade of the Cross) Florence M. Kingsley. A moving account which portrays Titus as the penitent thief crucified with Christ. 180 pages; paper; Lamp and Light Publishers.

Mis amigos de la Biblia
(My Bible Friends) Etta B. Degering. This five-volume set is excellent for acquainting small children with familiar Bible stories. Hardcover; Pacific Press.

Junto a Aguas de Reposo, Volumen 2
(Beside the Still Waters Volume 2) A devotional book with a Bible reading and a short, inspirational writing for each day of the year. A one-year Bible reading plan is included. 370 pages; paper; Vision Publishers.

El Progreso del Peregrino
(Pilgrim’s Progress) John Bunyan. The immortal story of Christian as he leaves the City of Destruction and embarks on a journey which has provided inspiration to countless believers since it was penned in a prison cell many years ago. 169 pages; paper; Editorial Mundo Hispano.

El Hogar Cristiano
(The Christian Home) Reuben Koehn. Sound scriptural teaching on home life and the nurture of children. Topics covered are the home, the parents, the child, mental and social development, discipline, adolescence, youth, and more. 132 pages; paper; Gospel Publishers.

Una Historia Concisa de La Iglesia de Dios
(A Concise History of the Church of God) John M. Penner. 102 pages; paper; Gospel Publishers.

Preguntas y Respuestas Sobre la Doctrina Cristiana
(Questions and Answers on Christian Doctrine) 95 pages; paper; Gospel Publishers.