La Confesión de Fe y las Ordenanzas de la Iglesia de Dios en Cristo
(Confession of Faith and Conference Order) 118 pages; paper; Gospel Publishers.

Estudios de las Doctrinas de la Biblia
(A Study of the Doctrines of the Bible) Twenty-five lessons written for doctrinal class instruction prior to baptism. 58 pages; paper; Gospel Publishers.

La Sainte Bible
Louis Segond 1910 edition containing both the Old and New Testaments. Contains end-of-verse references. Colour maps, and ribbon marker. Blue vinyl cover. Published by Alliance Biblique Universelle.

Chan Kretyen HC
Creole hymnal for use in worship and inspirational singing. 447 songs; 504 pages; hardcover; Haitian Church of God in Christ, Mennonite.

Spanish Thompson Chain Reference Bible
Words of Christ in red, concordance, color maps, and chain reference system. Page size is 6½ x 9½ in.; thickness is 1¼ in. Bonded leather binding. Vida.

ABS Spanish New Testament
An inexpensive mass-market New Testament for distribution. Includes subject headings throughout each chapter as well as a section with helps for Bible study. Page size is 8¼ x 5¼ in.; thickness is ½ in. Paperback.

Holman Spanish Pocket Size Bible
With concordance. Words of Christ in red; page size is 4⅛ x 6¼ in.; thickness is ¾ in. Bonded leather.

Holman Span/Eng Bilingual Bible, hardcover
Complete texts of 1960 Reina-Valera Spanish Bible and King James Version English Bibles side by side. Words of Christ in red. Page size is 6¼ x 9¼ in.; thickness is 1½ in.

ABS Spanish Bible, Hardcover
Black-letter only. Suitable for distribution. Page size is 8¼ x 5¼ in.; thickness is 11/8 in. Hardcover.