In the Shadow of the Cross

A collection of songs by Faylene Wiebe containing 27 songs of inspiration. 56 pages; paper; Wiebe.

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Inspiring Favorites

Selections from the Christian Hymnal, old-time favorite songs and hymns, Christmas songs, and some selections from composers of our church membership. 324 songs; hardcover; Inspiring Favorites Publ.

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Inspirational Songs for Men No. 3

159 songs including thirty songs from Coleman’s Songs for Men. Paper.

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Inspirational Songs for Men No. 1

Quartet-style songs arranged for men’s voices. Includes many old favorites. 237 songs; hardcover; PrairieView Press.

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Hymns We Love No. 3

468 songs, including many old hymns in quartet arrangement; hardcover.

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Hymns of the Church

Compiled by John D. Martin. A collection of mostly hymns and a few gospel songs. Many selections were composed in the 18th and 19th century or earlier, with only a few more modern songs. 1015 songs; hardcover; Benchmark Press.

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Hymns of Harmony

John B. Martin. A total of 155 songs; 38 are German songs. paper; PrairieView Press.

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Hold His Hand

Collection of 39 songs by Matthew Goossen, Shane Reiff, and Frantz Merceron. 48 pages; paper; PrairieView Press.

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Himnario Cristiano Softcover, Lyrics Only

Spanish equivalent of Christian Hymnal. 430 songs; Gospel Publishers.

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Here Comes My Savior

Collection of 33 songs by Teresa Decker, Margaret Unger, and Robyn Schultz. 40 pages; paper; PrairieView Press.

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