The Thirty-three Articles of Faith, French edition. These articles, taken from Martyrs Mirror, embody the faith for which many thousands of martyrs have given their lives. 145 pages; paper; Gospel Publishers.
Louis Segond 1910 edition containing both the Old and New Testaments. Contains end-of-verse references. Colour maps, and ribbon marker. Blue vinyl cover. Published by Alliance Biblique Universelle.
Introduction to each book, chapters and sections headings, references, bookmarker, colour maps, Words of Jesus in red. Imitation leather binding, gilt edges. 9¾ x 7 x 1½ inches. Alliance Biblique Universelle
(French version of A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23. Phillip Keller. From the firsthand experience of one who spent much of his life developing and managing sheep ranches comes an inspiring and refreshing look at one of the best-loved portions … Read More
Confession of Faith and Conference Order, French edition. For ordained ministers of the Church of God in Christ, Mennonite. 102 pages; paper; Gospel Publishers.