Down Memory Lane Cookbook
compiled by Gayla Toews. Contains 249 pages of the Eldon Johnson family favorite recipes. 260 pages; paper with plastic coil binding; Toews.

Country Canning and Freezing
Compiled by Beverly Unruh. A canning and freezing cookbook with over 150 recipes, now in its second edition. Sections include fruits, vegetables, meats, pickles, jellies and jams, sauces, and other recipes. 122 pages; hardcover with ring binder.

Cooking with Grandma
Compiled by Vivian Koehn, this cookbook contains favorites of the Dan Wiggers family. 258 pages of recipes to make any family enjoy mealtime. Plastic coil binding; Koehn.

The Cooker Lady
Compiled by Deb Unruh. 210 pages of recipes collected by girls who served at Hogan Hozhoni. Plastic coil binding. Unruh.

Come for Night Lunch
A snack cookbook compiled by Kathy Schultz and Esther Lou Mininger with 350 night lunch recipes. This cookbook offers one of the most extensive collections of snack recipes in one convenient book. Hardcover with comb-binding.

Be My Guest
Compiled by the ladies of the West Point congregation in Mississippi, this book contains 154 pages of recipes; some with a southern style of cooking. Hardcover with plastic comb binding.

Home Cookin’: Treasured Recipes
This cookbook with more than 500 recipes has been in print for a number of years and is now available from Gospel Publishers. Recipes from Brazil are found throughout this cookbook. Paperback with comb binding; Carol Schultz.

Down Home Southern Cookin’
Nearly 700 recipes collected by the ladies of the South Haven Mennonite Congregation, Macon, Mississippi. This book was started when recipes were gathered to give the wives of revival evangelists. A variety of new recipes, some easy and some challenging, … Read More

Country Recipes from Friends and Family
This fine collection of recipes has already shown its worth by its wide circulation and use. It contains about 900 recipes in thirteen sections, with a complete index. 284 pages; paper with plastic coil binding; Yost.

Christian Home Cookbook
This cookbook was compiled by ladies of the Church of God in Christ, Mennonite. It has proven very popular and successful, now in its eleventh printing! Eighteen sections have recipes for all occasions and for all needs, from beverages to … Read More