A. Van der Jagt. The Huguenot Inheritance Series No. 1. The account of three Huguenot children fleeing the Romanists and persecution. Based on historical facts. They encounter many hardships and difficulties in their escape to Holland and religious freedom. Paper; … Read More
Laurence Pringle. This book gives a detailed account of the Lewis and Clark expedition. Seaman, a large, black Newfoundland is Lewis’ dog and a valuable member of the expedition. Actual excerpts from the explorer’s journals are included. As the main … Read More
Classic Dick and Jane stories which many adults remember from their own childhood. These are delightful books for your first graders to start with. Oh, Jane. Oh, Father. Who can come? Who can come and help me?
Classic Dick and Jane stories which many adults remember from their own childhood. These are delightful books for your first graders to start with. Look, Jane. Look, Dick. See funny Sally. Funny, funny Sally.
Classic Dick and Jane stories which many adults remember from their own childhood. These are delightful books for your first graders to start with. Sally said, “Oh, look. Mother can jump. Mother can jump and play.”
Classic Dick and Jane stories which many adults remember from their own childhood. These are delightful books for your first graders to start with. “Guess who this is,” said Jane. “Guess who this is,” said Sally. “And see the two … Read More
Classic Dick and Jane stories which many adults remember from their own childhood. These are delightful books for your first graders to start with. Oh, Jane. Look and see. See Sally go. See Tim go. See Spot and Puff go.