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(Confession of Faith and Conference Order) 118 pages; paper; Gospel Publishers.
(Bible Doctrine and Practice, Spanish edition) 464 pages; paper; Gospel Publishers.
(Confession of Faith) 46 pages; paper; Gospel Publishers.
(Lamp for Our Path) 85 pages; paper; Gospel Publishers.
(A Concise History of the Church of God) John M. Penner. 102 pages; paper; Gospel Publishers.
(Martyr’s Mirror Excerpts, Spanish edition) 128 pages; paper; Gospel Publishers.
(Principles of Faith) 96 pages; paper; Gospel Publishers.
(The Christian Nurture of Children) John Holdeman. 41 pages; paper; Gospel Publishers.
(A Study of the Doctrines of the Bible) Twenty-five lessons written for doctrinal class instruction prior to baptism. 58 pages; paper; Gospel Publishers.